Sunday 6 January 2013


Had handful of almonds with two pieces of rye bread with cheese and the other with peanut butter! YAY. Day started off okay/bad and is ending better than I expected...I am making progress...

Peanut Butter and Almonds are SO good for you- these are HEALTHY oils! I just remind my self that they will make my skin look healthy and glowing (and prevent breakouts.)  

Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast: 1 cup of bran flakes with milk and an apple

Snack: Apple

Lunch: 15 almonds with a bowl of oatmeal with protein powder and milk with a banana

Was planning on a better/trying something "new" for lunch but then I couldn't pull through once again
 :( and just settled for a half a cup of oats and milk.... ugh.

New Years Resolutions:

1. Stand up straighter
2. Be more positive
3. Stoping comparing
4. Enjoy Life
6. Return to gymnastics or find a sport/activity that I enjoy (something less stressful and more enjoyable maybe?!)
7. Not really a resolution but, I would love to GROW and be at least 5'4 (currently 5'2)

Lets hope for a healthy and happy 2013


Hi im going anonymous but Im a 16 year old gymnast trying to recover from an eating disorder (aka: anorexia for me) Would love as much feedback as possible. :) Im doing this blog to channel my emotions, anxiety and promote a healthy recovery!